While you may initially believe that someone using your address unlawfully is not a huge concern, you will soon discover the truth when the ramifications begin to appear. Your address is private and should not be shared because it is linked to all of your personal information. Your information includes your name, date of birth, and address. Your address is connected to your postal service and other types of government documentation, including your social security number, healthcare statements, and other sensitive information, which can put you at risk if exploited.

How To Know If Your Address Is Being Used Illegal

Although, there are often signs if your address is being used illegally some subtle and easily ignored. Here are some signs your address might have been used by someone else. 

You might be getting a lot of mail for things you didn’t sign up for, for instance, you might be charged for purchases you never made.  You might be getting bills with someone else’s name on it, including taxes.  Junk mail might be filling up your mailboxLetters might be addressed to your address but it does not belong to you.

 Issues You Might Face If Your Address Is Used Illegal

Criminals can engage in a variety of fraudulent acts including bankruptcy, health care, and other matters by exploiting someone’s address. It is prohibited for someone to receive benefits using your address. For instance, attempting to obtain insurance or confirming their residency using your information. All of these are incorrect since they may contravene the jurisdiction’s criminal laws.

Bank Account Issues

Using your confidential information, fraudsters can open an account in your name. This can influence your credit score, and if they use your address to do anything wrong or illegal with that account, you might be in trouble. When something is begun in your name, the authorities suppose it’s you and often don’t take the time to double-check it with various authentication techniques.

Shopping on the Internet

People who know your credentials can even place orders for themselves or delivery to your address. This could indicate either drained bank accounts or legal difficulties. Fraudsters can do this in subtle ways that you might miss. If the person uses your data to buy one or two trivial products regularly, you may not notice and just go along with it, allowing them to shop for months. Even if the quantities aren’t huge, this is still fraud because you’re losing the money you can’t account for.

Current Accounts

Having your address is only the beginning; others who have your data can use your accounts in a variety of ways, causing financial damage.

How To Prevent Identity Theft

In this era, where disseminating information on anyone is just a few clicks away, you must exercise caution. The following might help you prevent identity theft. 

Passwords should be used on all of your accounts and devices. Avoid giving up personal information over the phone. Always check your credit history, you can never be too sure.  Take good care of your papers, do not carelessly leave them where anyone can find them.  Everything may now be done with ease on devices connected to the internet. Avoiding attackers is difficult, and we already recognize that taking small measures is preferable to getting into serious difficulties.

How to Handle Issues Caused By Address Fraud

 First and foremost, make sure you never give out your home address to anyone inadvertently. If you join up for something (like a camp or a contest) yet it appears to be shady, do not provide your address. Avoid including your address everywhere on the internet because this is where the bulk of the cases arise. If you speculate someone has been using your address for personal use without permission, report it immediately to the police station. If you receive any subscription notifications or reports at your address in someone else’s name, keep them and notify the appropriate companies. Ascertain that they are aware that the address they have is inaccurate.


Using another person’s address is illegal and a criminal offense. If you ever gave a reason to use someone else’s address, make sure you go through the proper process of asking for permission before using it. 

What steps should I take if a scanner gets hold of my address? 

Report this immediately to the closest police station or the postal inspection service for further investigations. 

Can my friend use my address for their mail?

Yes, you can let someone else use your address. If you trust the person and the correct procedures are taken, it should not be an issue.