If I Reset My Router Will I Still Have An Internet Connection?

If I put the word Router in the simplest terms then it would be like a GPS that leads you towards a route with the least traffic. The only difference is, that here the traffic means not the vehicles but the huge chunks of data that are continuously transacting between individuals. Let’s continue with the same analogy further to answer your question. Via GPS you reach a destined address called location and via a router, your data reach a destined address called IP address. A GSO  Sattelite is responsible for GPS services and an Internet Service Provider(IPS) is responsible for internet services provided by the router.

 Now if you uninstall and then reinstall your GPS app do the satellite association is suspended? The answer is NO.  Similarly, if you reset your router then the internet connection served by Internet  Service  Provider is not suspended it is still there it will be back up after reinitialization of the router. What you may or may not face is that the router connectivity is not been shown on your device because of turning off the router for small duration during resetting.

In that case, what you need to do is only re-configure the router just like you re-create the account and other personal settings after reinstalling GPS. Re-configuration simply means to login with your username and password of the router network whichever you are using.

Steps to Re-configure the Router:-

1. Enter the IP address of your Router

Generally, it is available in router documentation. Can also be present at the backside of your Modem\ Router. The IP address looks like “192. 368. 1. 11”

2. Log in with your username and password

It can be present on the back side of your Router\Modem(check once).

3. Click on the ‘Restore’ or ‘Factory default’

4. Click ‘OK’ and you are reconfigured

Steps to Re-configure in Case you Forget your Username or Password to log in to the Network System:-

  1. Enter the IP address in your Browser.

  2. Click on ‘Network Security’.

  3. Click on change Password.

  4. Enter the new password.

  5. Click on the save setting.

Resetting a Router is of two types:-

Hard Reset-   Hard Reset leads to the removal of all default settings like passwords, username, etc. Soft Reset- Soft Reset does not lead to the removal of all default settings. All primary settings are reverted after a soft reset.   it is used when there is some troubleshooting internet connectivity problem in Network System.

How to do Hard Reset of a Router?

Find the reset or WPS button or hole on your routerPress it with a pin if it is present in a hole. Press the button if it is externally available in your router. Hold it for 10-30 seconds because the router works on the science of a capacitor which needs 10-30 seconds to recharge. Leave the button you held after 10-30 secondsRouter Reset has been done.

How to do Soft Reset of a Router?

Disconnect the router from power. Enter the IP address in the browser. Click Restore default settings. Click the ‘Reset’ button and press OK

Some Scenarios in Which we Need to Reset a Router are:-

In case you are facing slow internet connectivityIf we want to change our IP address. If you want to change SSID or Router’s nameTo change saved or recognized devices.

Is  ‘Reset a Router’ and ‘Reboot a Router’ the same thing?

Answer- No, Resetting a Router cause all the customized settings of the router to change,   completely turning off the router from power for some time and a temporary loss of internet connectivity.  While  Reboot is like restarting a device.

When we should Reboot our Router?

Answer-   Reboot can be done to protect the router from Cyber attacks. Like recently announced by FB to Reboot the routers.

Do we compulsorily need  Re-configuration after Resetting of Router?

Answer-  Yes, Because there is a temporary loss of Internet Connection.

Is there any loss of Internet connection after Reboot?

Answer- No, Reboot is like Restart it does not cause Internet connection loss.

Is reset a router always lead to a complete change of password?

Answer- NO, Resetting a router does not lead to a change of password. The Network System can be login by the same username and password.