Jazzman Olofin had left his power bank in the vehicle and gone for a studio meeting. The power bank exploded, almost setting the car ablaze.


Portraying the episode on Facebook, Olofin said:

“Vehicle nearly got scorched yesterday evening while at the same time working at the studio. The power bank I kept in the vehicle entryway’s pocket detonated into a gradually moving fire and began softening/harming whatever was in its direction. “Say thanks to GOD my studio meeting was not a long one. I emerged to where I left the vehicle and saw the consuming power bank sufficiently early. Smoke topped off the vehicle inside.”

Jazzman be that as it may, cautioned people in general to be mindful while taking care of force banks.

— The Nation Nigeria (@TheNationNews) October 15, 2022

“So how about we watch out for keeping our power banks in the vehicle, particularly when the vehicle is left in the especially warm sun.

“I really had been searching for this specific one for the beyond couple of weeks, didn’t realize it was in there meanwhile preparing to release the mythical serpent.”