A teacher is that man or woman who is happy at the success of the learners and does everything he or she can to see them succeed in their academics and future career. A teacher is a formator, a motivator and a mentor. 

What does a teacher do?

A teacher helps others to learn new things. A teacher inspires, motivates, encourage and educate learners. A teacher is a role model who inspires the learners to greatness, not only by their words but also by their actions and reactions. Teachers who teach toddlers play the role of nannies and mummies, taking care of the little children like their own. A teacher gives listening ear to the learners, corrects thI em when they err and guides them in the right path. 

The teaching profession

Teaching is a noble profession and the mother of all professions. Every profession there is passed through and were taught by teachers. Therefore, teaching birthed all other professions. Medicine is a good profession – it deals with life; engineering is good – it deals with technology; agriculture is wonderful – it provides food for man and raw materials for industries; politics is awesome – it deals with government and leadership and so on and so forth; but without the teaching profession, all of these good and wonderful professions will not function properly. Without the teaching profession, our world will be in a big mess.

How much does a teacher earn?

Teachers’ salaries differ from country to country. While some countries pay teachers high some others pay them low. For instance, an average teacher in America earns $2,500 a month; an average teacher in Germany earns €2,800; an average teacher in India earns 24,000 INR; an average teacher in South Africa earns R19,000 and an average teacher in Nigeria earns NGN120,000 a month.

My reason for not wanting to be a teacher anymore

Poor Remuneration:

Despite the huge work that is being done by teachers, despite the fact that teachers sometimes have to work day and night, despite the sacrifices teachers make – sometimes leaving their own children to take care of other people’s children, the teachers are not well taken care of in some nations like mine. It’s so discouraging and disheartening. As a teacher in my nation, you cannot even pay your bills, you cannot send your children to good schools, you cannot take good care of your family, you cannot afford good medications if you or your family member is sick, you may not own a house of your own in your entire life.

Imagine paying a teacher a token of NGN120,000; when his counterpart in politics earns a whooping sum of NGN5,000,000 a month with so many other benefits and allowances. 

Inadequate Compensation:

Teachers in some nations are not adequately compensated for the great inputs and sacrifices they make. Despite the fact that their salary is so meager, in some cases they are been owed this meager salary for months.   

Unfair Treatment:

Teachers are not treated fairly like their counterparts in other sectors. For those that work with private schools, certain percentage of their salary is been deducted to be kept aside (saved) as pension for them, although, the school where they teach is supposed to add the same percentage from the school purse to the deducted amount so that when the teachers retire, they will have something to fall back to. That sounds good, but in most cases the school does not keep their own part of the agreement. Some state governments are not left out in this fraudulent and unfair treatment that is being meted out to the teachers.

Lack of Job Security:

It is true that working with the government guarantees job security, but because they care less about the well-being of the teachers, people now resort to seeking employment with private schools especially those that can pay. But most private schools use the teachers as slaves, teachers work everyday from morning till late evening, sometimes from Sunday to Sunday. And any teacher with the private school who refused to be used as slave stand the risk of losing his or her job.

Teaching is a noble profession and the mother of all other professions. Teachers derive joy from teaching and seeing their students succeed in their chosen professions. Teachers need to be taken proper care of. They need to be treated like first class citizens, and until this is done, the quality of education will continue to dwindle. 

I don’t want to be a teacher anymore because of the poor renumeration, lack of job security, inadequate compensation and unfair treatment being meted out to the teachers.