What are I-bonds and their rates?

I-bonds are a type of financial instrument that allows investors to buy them and receive interest with higher yields because they are inflation-adjusted. Being a safe investment issued by the government, it protects the value of your money from losses due to rising inflation. These are U.S. savings bonds that the U.S. Treasury has issued. The interest rates are set every six months, and the current rate for this I-bond is 9.62% through October 2022. These offer better rates and lower-risk investments because they are government-issued. When compared to returns on other assets or bond investments, I-bond interest rates are substantially greater. 

The trend of I-bond rates

I-Bonds are adjusted for inflation, so they are a sort of financial instrument that lets investors purchase them and earn interest with higher yields. Being a secure investment offered by the government, it guards against losses caused by growing inflation. For the last few years, inflation has resulted in deriving the value of the I-bonds rate. 

For 2022 – For the last few years, the U. S. has been suffering from a high rise in the price of goods and thus contributing to a high rise in inflation rates. So, as the I-bonds protect the returns from inflation, so it’s the best instrument to invest in now. For the current year, the inflation rate in the U. S. is 9. 1%, so the corresponding I-bonds rate is 9. 62%.  For 2021 – Over the recent years, the United States has experienced a significant increase in the cost of goods, which has led to a significant increase in inflation rates. I-bonds are the finest investment vehicle right now since they shield returns from inflation. The rate on I-bonds is 7. 12% in 2021 because the inflation rate in the United States is 4. 70%. For 2020 – The cost of commodities has significantly increased in the United States over the past several years, which has caused inflation rates to grow significantly. I-bonds are the best investment option since they insulate returns from inflation. I-bond rates will be 1. 68% in 2021 due to the country’s 1. 23% inflation rate. For 2019 – The price of commodities has climbed dramatically in the United States, which has led to a major rise in inflation rates. Since they protect returns from inflation, I-bonds are arguably the greatest investment choice. Due to the nation’s 1. 81% inflation rate, I-bond rates will be 2. 22% in 2019. For 2018 – In the U. S. , the cost of goods has increased significantly, significantly driving up inflation rates. I-bonds are perhaps the best option for investments because they shield returns from inflation. I-bond rates will be 2. 83% in 2019 as a result of the country’s 2. 44% inflation rate.

Calculation of I-bonds rates

I-bonds are calculated using the composite interest rates method, which has two components in it. These two parts correspond to:

The rate is fixed at a set of purchases for the last 30 years. The inflation rate constantly changes every six months.

The rates are not simply added, but formula is applied that determines the I-bonds rate. This is given by:

Composite rate or I-bond rate = [fixed rate + (2 x semi-annual inflation rate) + (fixed rate x semiannual inflation rate)]


I-bonds are a form of financial instrument that allows investors to acquire them and get interested with higher rates because they are inflation-adjusted. Being a secure investment offered by the government, it guards against losses caused by growing inflation. Interest rates are determined every six months, and the current rate for this I-bond in 2022 is 9.62%, compared to 2.83% in 2018. In the face of growing inflation, I-bonds have shown to be a fantastic investment vehicle. Since they are issued by the government, they have better rates and lower-risk investments. I-bond interest rates are significantly higher than returns on other assets or bond investments.

Q1. What is the maturity of I-bonds?

Ans. I-bonds have a maturity of 30 years, where 20 years is the original maturity period and ten years is the extended maturity period.

Q2. What happens to I-bonds rates if inflation rates go down?

Ans. As explained earlier, the inflation rate directly contributes to calculating the I-bonds rates, so if inflation rates go down, then the I-bonds rates also go down. This is evidently visible in the year 2019 to 2020 when inflation goes down, and so do the I-bonds rates also.

Q3. Is the I-bonds risk-free?

Ans. Yes, as these are U.S. Treasury bonds, so they are backed by the government, and then it has zero default risk.