Huawei, just recently, unveiled the P8 flagship smartphone. But, while the powerful device was initially announced without a U.S.-based launch window, that could be changing soon. The company behind the P8 has just announced a brand new event taking place in New York City on June 2, which is a Tuesday for those keeping track. The invitation asks us to see what the company is “unlocking next,” and while the image behind the cut-out blocks is hard to really pinpoint, it certainly looks like a phone. The likely candidate is a U.S.-based P8, but of course Huawei could have something else entirely stored up their sleeves for the event. While Huawei did say a more affordable variant of the P8 would be making an appearance in the U.S. at some point in the future, and likely not as high-end as the P8 proper, it’s possible that this event is meant to welcome that particular device to the market. We don’t have long to wait, so stay tuned.