Bloomberg claims that according to “a person familiar with the matter”, HTC will unveil the next generation HTC One with an improved camera and audio features and smartwatch in March.The report claims that the codename of the next generation HTC One is “M9” (and not Hima as has been reported previously), and will feature a 20-megapixel camera and an UltraPixel front facing camera. It also mentions that HTC’s smartwatch will link with Under Armor’s fitness service. HTC and Under Armor had recently announced a partnership to create a series of wearables devices for athletes. HTC is widely expected to unveil the new products at the media event on March 1st at the Mobile World Congress. It sent out invites to the media event last week with the tagline “utopia in progress” followed by a “Join us to see what’s next.” The report states that the HTC One M9 will resemble its predecessor in size and design and will be available in gold, silver and grey options. It will be powered by Qualcomm’s 8-core Snapdragon 810 processor which offers advanced video capabilities. The device will also feature Dolby 5.1 audio technology and HTC’s latest Sense 7 user interface with improved location-based services. I can’t wait to see what HTC has in store for us. I do hope that HTC has some surprises up its sleeve as it has promised. Are you excited?