HP warranties can be checked through different methods either by the warranty API along with the necessary information to be able to access the information or more easily through the HP support website with the necessary information. It is important to check your warranty in case you damage your device. HP can repair it without you having to pay extra if your warranty is valid. There are occasions when users wish to handle their warranty claim issues, the steps on how to handle that are highlighted below. There are many tips and tricks HP’s support page provides to ensure that users can adequately take care of their devices and provide the correct and necessary information when claiming warranties. 

How can you check device warranty status if it is still active?

Using HP’s support website, you can do the following:

Step 1

Enter the website: https://support.hp.com/us-en/checkwarranty

Step 2

Enter the country/region of where you bought the HP laptop as well as the serial number of the laptop device or HP device. 

Step 3

Click on the check warranty button to view your warranty status. 

HP Support Assistant Application is another method to check your warranty.

Step 1

Depending on your mobile device type you can either install the application by downloading it from the Google play store or the Apple store.

Step 2

Run the application on your smartphone, log in and set up your account.

Step 3

Click the warranty and services Contracts to view your warranty status in real-time.

How can you claim your warranty?

Calling from your cellphone device is another method to check you warranty without the assistance of HP support. Dial the following number; (800) 474 6836. After calling you can ask to repair your device. The details you will need to provide are the following;The serial number of the device.  The precise model name.  Alternatively, you can provide the name of the operating system of the device if you do not have the exact model information.

You can also claim your warranty by communicating through the automated chatbot function on the HP website. You can find the function by doing the following;Open the ‘Contact HP’ page, https://www. hp. com/us-en/contact-hp/contact. html Select the ‘Virtual Agent’ option and then enter the details

It is important to note that it is not a live chat function but you can pose your claim and schedule a repair through the chatbot and you will be contacted via email or by your mobile phone.

If the above webpage service is down, you can proceed by doing the following;

Before proceeding with a warranty claim you have to first check if it is valid. After confirming that you have a valid warranty you can head to the following webpage and submit the correct login details to access your HP account. Copy the entire link below to be directed to the HP account log-in page. LOG IN.

Once you have managed to sign in to your account you may proceed with your claim and schedule a repair session.

Can you appeal a warranty claim that has been denied?

In short, you can attempt to appeal a declined warranty claim by completing the following steps;

Step 1

Open the website link below and login or sign up with your cellphone number and or email address. 


Step 2

Select the claim warranty option.

Step 3

An option to select the product manufacturer will appear, click the drop-down menu list and select the product manufacturer for your device. In this case, it would be HP.

Step 4

The final step is to submit your overruled warranty claim.

A letter to appeal the overruled warranty claim will be made on your behalf and sent to the product manufacturer, HP for example. The company will review the letter of appeal and you will be notified about their decision after it has been reviewed, this process typically does not take very long. 

What can you do to ensure you do not have to pay for problems not covered by your HP warranty?

According to HP’s support document regarding their limited warranty policy HP customers can do the following;

Ensure that the information you submit when completing the warranty claim is correct and no information is missing from the waranty claim, by doing this will HP can process your claim faster and assist you where they can. Ensure to use the HP products in a safe environment to avoid contamination and liquid spills that could damage devices and avoid environments with temperatures and conditions that could cause rusting of devices. You may want to make use of HP’s additional support capabilities if you are willing to pay for the extra costs to make use of those services. Ensure that you contact HP either by email, telephone, chatbot, or by heading directly to the nearest HP support center near you to try and fix the issues you are having with your device. It is highly recommended that you back up the files on your device the program data of applications. The files can be stored on an external hard drive, the cloud, or any other storage method at your disposal. It is imperative to do this in the event your device is stolen or experiences server damage you can have all your important data stored.


It is important to check the warranty status of your HP devices in case you need to submit a claim for a damaged device and to avoid having to pay extra charges to repair it, there are methods you can undertake to take care of your devices.